November 2012 - Supplier Alat Safety, Alat Teknik, Alat Ukur, Alat Geologi, Sirine dan Alat Laboratorium


Order Detail

Ultrasonic Test Equipment - Pundit Lab+ 
Ultrasonic Test Equipment - Pundit Lab Plus
Harga : Nego
Pundit Lab adalah instrumen alat uji ultrasonik bekerja berdasar kecepatan pulsa yang digunakan untuk menguji kualitas beton. Pundit Lab+ hadir dengan fitur-fitur yang lebih lengkap, sehingga cocok digunakan di lapangan. Fitur-fitur tersebut berasal dari Pundit Lab. Fungsi baru yang disematkan adalah tidak dibutuhkan amplifier tambahan saat menggunakan kabel panjang atau tranduser ekponensial, mampu mencatat waktu pengukuran dengan real time, memungkinkan melihat daftar data awal pengukuran di lapangan dan melihat korelasi antara kekuatan tekan yang dihasilkan dari kecepatan pulsa atau yang dikombinasikan dengan nilai pantul (metode SONREB).

Asesoris Alat :

   Transduser Standar 54kHz Sebuah desain baru dengan peningkatan kemampuan untuk menambah jangkauan dan stabilitas.
   Transduser 150kHz dan 250kHzMemiliki resolusi lebih baik di kelasnya, dengan jangkauan kecil. Cocok untuk bahan butiran halus.
   Transduser Eksponensial 54kHzCocok untuk permukaan kasar tanpa couplant. Saat digunakan dengan Lab Pundit +, tidak diperlukan amplifier luar.
   Transduser 500KHzCocok untuk butiran halus, seperti batu dan keramik.
   Transduser  Gelombang Geser 250kHzCocok digunakan dengan transduser standar gelombang-P un tuk mengukur elastisitas dinamis materi uji.

Transduser PengikatBerguna untuk pengukuran bahan berkaitan dengan kecepatan permukaan atau kedalaman retak.

Software berbasis Windows, yakni Pundit Link, yang dikembangkan oleh Proceq, untuk mengoptimalkan semua kemampuan peralatan uji ultrasonik Pundit Lab, memberikan pengguna:
  • Visualisasi bentuk gelombang dan memindahkan analisis dari PC Anda ke osiloskop. penyesuaian interaktif pada titik pemicu
  • akuisisi data secara online
  • pengendali jarak jauh lengkap pada instrumen yang meliputi fungsi pencatatan data
  • ekspor data ke aplikasi pihak ketiga
  • (Lab Pundit + saja) membuat kurva konversi kuat tekan (secara eksponensial, polinomial).
  • (Lab Pundit + saja) membuat kurva SONREB untuk (ultrasonik / nilai rebound) memperkirakan gabungan kuat tekan.
Fitur Alat :
  • Semua fitur Pundit lab
  • Penguat terpadu meringkas tahapan
  • Mengukur secara real time
  • mengestimasi kuat tekan secara langsung
  • Menggabungkan  kecepatan pulsa ultrasonic / perkiraan nilai Rebound terhadap kuat tekan (SONREB)
  • Daftar tinjauan data pada instrumen
Aplikasi Alat :
Alat uji ultrasonic Pundit Lab+ dibuat dengan fitur tambahan sehingga menjadikan alat ini ideal untuk pemakaian di lapangan.

Peralatan uji ultrasonik Pundit Lab memenuhi standar berikut ini:
  • EN12504-4 (Eropa)
  • ASTM C 597-02 (Amerika Utara)
  • BS 1881 Bagian 203 (Inggris)
  • ISO1920-7:2004 (Internasional)
  • IS13311 (India)
  • CECS21 (Cina)
Pengukuran waktu transit pada peralatan uji ultrasonik
Rentang 0.1 – 9999 µs
Resolusi 0.1 µs
Tampilan OLED matriks pasif 79 x 21 mm
Gelombang kirimGelombang daya yang dioptimalkan 125 V, 250 V, 350 V, 500V, OTOMATIS
Tahap gain yang bisa dipilih1x, 2x, 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x, 200x, 500x, 1000x, OTOMATIS
Pita frekuensi20 kHz – 500 kHz
MemoriSemi permanen, > 500 nilai hasil pengukuran
Pengaturan RegionalMendukung satuan metrik dan satuan Inggris 
Suplai Daya
Baterai4x baterai AA (>penggunaan nonstop selama >20 jam)
Listrik5v, <500mA lewat pengisi daya USB
PC5v, <500mA langsung lewat kabel USB
Dimensi 172 x 55 x 220 mm
Berat 1,316 kg (termasuk baterai)
Kondisi lingkungan untuk peralatan uji ultrasonik
Suhu pengoperasian-10° hingga 60℃ (0° hingga 140°F)
Kelembapan<95% RH, tanpa kondensasi

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

Link Alat  Lab. :


Order Detail

Alat Uji Kekerasan Logam – Equostat 3
Harga : Nego

Equostat 3 dikembangkan untuk pengujian kekerasan logam yang akurat, cepat dan bisa dilakukan ulang. Alat tersebut memiliki fitur kepekaan yang unggul melalui penetrasi kecil berukuran beberapa µm dan karenanya sangat cocok untuk menguji kekerasan logam lapisan permukaan pada komponen, profil dan pipa tipis yang peka terhadap goresan atau yang dipoles dengan ketebalan dinding di bawah 2 mm (0,08”).
Equostat 3 berfungsi dengan baik di lingkungan luar ruangan, pabrik dan laboratorium. Alat tersebut hanya memiliki sedikit persyaratan pada bentuk geometri benda uji. Batang uji Equostat 3 bisa dihubungkan langsung ke laptop atau PC. Atau dengan cara lain, batang uji dicolokkan ke perangkat indikator Equotip 3 untuk mengombinasikan prinsip Rockwell pada Equostat dengan prinsip pantulan Leeb pada Equotip 3 agar menjadi alat uji kekerasan yang paling serbaguna. Dialog panduan pengguna secara "live" memungkinkan pengguna untuk memperoleh hasil pengukuran yang sangat akurat dan bisa dilakukan ulang.

Fitur Alat :
  • Pembacaan kekerasan logam yang akurat, cepat dan bisa dilakukan ulang
  • Pengukuran tergantung pada dimensi material dan dimensi sampelnya
  • Rentang pengujian mulai dari material sangat lunak (aluminium) hingga sangat keras (baja hasil pengerasan kulit)
  • Pengukuran dalam HRC, konversi terpadu ke HV, HB, HRA, HRB, HR15N, Rm bisa dilakukan
  • Pemindahan hingga ~100.000 pembacaan tersimpan dari perangkat indikator Equotip 3 ke PC menggunakan Equolink 3
  • Beban uji kecil menghasilkan penetrasi kecil yang berukuran hanya beberapa μm
  • Batang uji Equostat 3 bisa dengan menggunakan penjepit atau dengan tangan kosong.
  • Selain batang uji Equostat 3, semua perangkat tumbukan pada alat uji kekerasan logam Equotip bisa juga digunakan untuk melakukan pengujian kekerasan pantul dengan menggunakan perangkat indikator yang sama
Aplikasi Alat :
  • Pengujian kekerasan logam yang presisi pada material sangat lunak hingga material sangat keras
  • Komponen, profil, pipa tipis dengan ketebalan dinding ≤ 2 mm, lembaran logam, gulungan logam, serta komponen setebal 0,2 mm (0,008”), tergantung pada tingkat kekerasannya
  • Pengujian pada permukaan yang peka terhadap goresan atau yang dipoles
  • pengujian kekerasan pada logam yang terkena zona panas di lapisan las 
Standarisasi :
  • DIN 50157 (2007)
  • ISO 18265 (2003)
  • ASTM B724
  • ASTM E140 (2007)
  • Pedoman DGZfP MC 1 (2008)
  • Pedoman VDI / VDE 2616 Makalah 1 (2010)

Batang Uji Equostat 3
Rentang pengukuran (DIN)0-100 µm; 19-70 HRC; 19-70 HMMRC; 67-638 HB; 35-950 HV; 60-86 HRA;29-107 HRB;
225-2250 MPa (N/mm2); 69-94 HR15N; 88-96 HR15T
Resolusi 0,1 µm; 0,1 HRA; 0,1 HRB; 0,1 HRC; 0,1 HRE; 0,1 HRH;
0,1 HR15N; 0,1 HR15T; 1 HB; 1 HV; 0,1 HS; 1 MPa (N/mm2)
Akurasi pengukuran± 0,8 µm (~ ± 1,0 HRC) di semua rentang
Maksimum kekerasan uji70 HRC
Arah ujiarah mana saja (tidak diperlukan koreksi)
Beban uji
Beban awal 10 N / total beban 50 N
Indentor intansudut (100,0±0,5)°, diameter area datar berukuran (60±0,5)µm
Perangkat indikator alat uji kekerasan logam Equotip 3:
Dimensi170 x 200 x 45 mm (6,7 x 7,9 x 1,8 inci)
Berat780 g (27,5 ons) ditambah paket baterai 120 g (4,2 ons)
Tampilan LCD QVGA yang besar dengan tingkat kontras dan lampu latar yang bisa disesuaikan
Penyimpan data internal100.000 - 1.000.000 nilai (tergantung tipe data)
Antarmuka Ethernet, USB 1.1, RS 232
Tipe bateraiLi ion yang bisa diisi ulang atau 3 buah sel baterai “C” berukuran standar
Tegangan maksimum pengisian baterai 4.2 V
Periode penggunaan baterai umumnya 10 jam
Suhu pengoperasian0 hingga + 50 ℃ (32 hingga 122 °F)
Kelembapan tanpa kondensasi, maks. 90%

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

Link Alat  Lab. :


Order Detail

Metal Hardness Testers
Harga : Nego

It is either not cost effective or not even possible at all to perform the hardness test on larger metal workpieces such as cast or forged parts or thick plates with the traditional, static methods.
The portable metal hardness testers developed by Proceq in the last 30 years are a suitable alternative: In the 1970s Proceq released the famous portable Equotip testers that are now available in its third generation, paving the way for the metal hardness testers Equotip Bambino 2 and Piccolo 2.
The Equotip metal hardness testers use the dynamic Leeb rebound technique invented by Proceq. Hardness tests according to this Leeb method are particularly quick and easy to perform.  Some features that make the Equotip family stand out among metal testers are;

Equotip 3

Equotip Piccolo 2

Metal Hardness Tester – Equotip 3
Portable Metal Hardness Test – Equotip Piccolo 2

The Equotip 3 metal hardness testers are versatile portable solutions for quick and independent on-site tests.
The portable metal hardness tester Equotip Piccolo 2 allows user-defined hardness conversions and offers the Piccolink software for systematic real-time monitoring of hardness.

Equotip Bambino 2

Equotip 3 Automation Package

Metal Hardness Test – Equotip Bambino 2
NDT automation – Equotip Automation Package

The Equotip Bambino 2 is ideally suited for a quick on-site metal hardness test.
The Equotip 3 Automation Package is a real time monitoring tool that allows the integration of hardness tests into quality management systems and into (semi-) automated testing environments.

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

Link Alat  Lab. :


Order Detail
                                                              Concrete Test Hammer / Hammer Test NJ-80
Harga : Rp 5.500.000
The Concrete Test Hammer / Hammer Test, suitable for rapid quality control of concrete work is built on a scale pointer and graphics. Concrete Test Hammer Tool To measure the compressive strength of concrete or hard to know quickly and practically. Commonly used for Quality Control of work. * Used for non-destructive measurement of concrete / mortar compressive strength of concrete characteristics * Quality control of the uniform ( in-situ concrete and prefabricated structures) * Detection of weak spots in the concrete.

Hammer Name: NJ - 80

- Survey Type: N-type
- Ø Survey Methods: Violence Repulsion
- Survey Range: 100-600 kg/ cm2
- Weight: 1.4 Kg
- Includes: Hammer, grinding wheels, tote bags, manual records

Hammer' s Test Objectives
- This test uses a hammer impact testing of concrete surfaces, and then surveys the repulsion force

Test Hammer' s Principal
- NJ-80 hammer tests of high quality, the method is very simple and easy to survey the development of violence.

Survey Methods Hammer
- Palo has adapted to use ground before launch. mean adjusting typically R = 80 ± 1, but the tolerance of R = 80 ± 2 was approved, but the tolerance is
- Discover the use of metal detectors iron rods and then void where an iron rod when you use a hammer.
- Choose a plane
- Avoid prominence and depression, fractures and gaps, pebble gravel, stone.
- Remove the powder with a grinding stone.
- Remove the stand and depression using a grinding stone.
- Choose a place that is more than 10cm thick concrete. ii. measurement
- Minimum 3 - 6cm away from the bars, the pillars
- Size is 3cm by 3cm Hit the strike length of 5 times, in the high 4 times hit.
- When the hammer hit, keeping the right ang
- If you find a strange sound or damaged holes, ignoring the number, move to the next good point and try again

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

Link Alat  Lab. :

JUAL Concrete Test Hammer Proceq DigiSchmidt

Order Detail

Concrete Test Hammer - DigiSchmidt
Harga : Nego
The Schmidt Hammer Digi-Schmidt was developed for the non destructive measurement of the concrete compressive strength and controlling the uniform concrete quality.
Schmidt Hammer - DigiSchmidtBesides showing the basic settings on the included display unit, the Schmidt Hammer offers the transmission of the measured data to a standard printer or to a PC. This supersedes the time consuming business of note taking allowing the user to focus on the essential. The window based software ProVista allows downloading, presenting and editing of the measured values in a fast and easy way. 
The Schmidt Hammer is equipped with a sensor which measures the rebound value of a test impact to high resolution and repeatability. With the Schmidt Hammer, various parameters such as impact direction, form factor and time factors such as carbonation depth can easily be set.

Fitur Alat :
  • The Schmidt Hammer offers automatic calculation of the compressive strength
  • Storage of customized conversion curves
  • Data evaluation and storage as well as transmission to a PC with ProVista software are possible with the Schmidt Hammer
Aplikasi Alat :
  • Schmidt Hammer Type ND: Suitable for use on concrete components of 100 mm (3.94 in.) thickness or more
  • Schmidt Hammer Type LD: Suitable on concrete components of thickness less than 100 mm (3.94 In.) or on cast stone material
  • Both versions of the Schmidt Hammer are ideally suited for systematic high volume measuring and the detection of weak spots in the concrete as well as for the control of uniform concrete quality 
The following standards can be applied to the Schmidt Hammer:
  • ISO DIS 8045
  • EN 12 504-2
  • ENV 206
  • BS 1881, part 202
  • ASTM C 805
  • ASTM D 5873 (rock)
  • DIN 1048 Part 2
  • B-15.225
  • NF P 18-417
  • ( J6J / T23-2001, JJG 817-1993, both China )

Schmidt Hammer
Type ND    Schmidt Hammer
Type LD
Schmidt Hammer      
Impact energy    2.207 Nm    0.735 Nm
Measuring range
Concrete compressive strength    10 - 70 N/mm2
1'450 - 10'152 psi    18 - 70 N/mm2
2'610 - 10'152 psi
Display Unit  
Display    graphic LCD-Display 128 x 128 pixel
Internal data storage              non-volatile memory, 250 measurement series of 10 measurements each
Communication    RS 232 or with adapter to USB
PC application    ProVista
Battery type    six LR6 (AA) batteries, 1.5 V for 60 h operation
Operating temperature    0 °C to +60 °C
Storage temperature    -10 °C to +60 °C

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

Link Alat  Lab. :


Order Detail

Original Schmidt

Alat Uji Beton - Original Schmidt
Harga : Nego
Kualitas beton sebagian besar dinilai dari kuat tekannya yang secara langsung mempengaruhi kapasitas penahanan beban dan daya tahan struktur beton. Proceq telah menciptakan Original Schmidt, alat uji pertama di dunia dan kini paling banyak digunakan untuk menganalisa kuat tekan dari sifat-sifat beton.
Original Schmidt akan membentur beton pada tingkat energi yang ditentukan, sedangkan pantulannya tergantung pada kekerasan beton dan diukur lewat alat ukur. Original Schmidt tersedia dalam beberapa model dengan energi Pukulan yang berbeda-beda, dan tiap alat uji didesain untuk digunakan dalam pengujian tertentu, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan dalam meneliti berbagai tipe dan ukuran material, seperti lantai jembatan, dinding tipis, komponen batu cor atau komponen yang kecil.
Fitur Alat :
  • Original Schmidt Tipe N: Nilai pantulan dibaca dari skala untuk kalkulasi nilai rata-rata berikutnya. Nilai kuat tekan bisa dibaca dari diagram konversi
  • Original Schmidt Tipe NR: Nilai pantulan dicatat dalam bentuk diagram batang pada kertas bergaris yang memiliki kapasitas untuk 4.000 tumbukan uji
  • Original Schmidt Tipe L: Sama seperti tipe N, namun tipe L menawarkan energi tumbukan yang besarnya tiga kali lebih kecil
  • Original Schmidt Tipe LR: Sama seperti tipe NR, namun dengan energi tumbukan yang besarnya tiga kali lebih kecil. LR juga memiliki kertas bergaris untuk mencatat hingga 4.000 tumbukan uji tanpa pemuatan ulang
Aplikasi Alat :
  • Original Schmidt digunakan untuk pengukuran tanpa merusak pada karakteristik kuat tekan beton/mortar
  • Pengendalian kualitas beton yang seragam
  • Pendeteksian titik-titik lemah pada beton
  • Original Schmidt tipe L/LR mempergunakan energi tumbukan yang jauh lebih rendah, menjadikan alat uji sebagai pilihan yang tepat untuk menguji benda-benda berdinding tipis dengan ketebalan berkisar antara 50 hingga 100 mm (2 inci dan 4 inci) atau untuk menganalisa komponen yang kecil.
  • Alat uji tersebut cocok untuk memeriksa komponen batu cor yang peka terhadap pukulan. Dalam mekanika batuan, Original Schmidt tipe L/LR banyak digunakan untuk melakukan penggolongan pada inti batuan dan batuan rapuh
Standar-standar berikut ini bisa dipergunakan pada Original Schmidt:
  • ISO/DIS 8045
  • EN 12 504-2
  • ENV 206
  • DIN 1048 bagian 2
  • BS 1881 bagian 202
  • ASTM C 805
  • ASTM D 5873(Batuan)
  • NFP 18-417
  • B 15-225
  • JGJ/T 23-2001
  • JJG 817-1993

Original Schmidt
Type N
Original Schmidt
Type NR
Original Schmidt
Type L
Original Schmidt
Type LR
Rentang pengukuran10 - 70 N/mm2 (1'450 hingga 10'152 psi)
Energi pukulan2.207 Nm0.735 Nm
Kertas bergarisYaTidakYaTidak

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

Link Alat  Lab. :


Order Detail

Concrete Test Hammer - SilverSchmidt
Alat Uji Beton - SilverSchmidt
Harga : Nego

ST/PC SilverSchmidt merupakan alat uji beton terpadu pertama yang memiliki nilai pantulan yang tepat dan kemampu-ulangan yang tiada bandingannya. 
Dua faktor yang menambah peningkatan kinerja alat uji beton ini dibandingkan dengan yang sebelumnya:
  • Pendeteksian hasil-bagi pantulan berbasis kecepatan.
  • Desain hibrid berbobot ringan pada plunger tumbukan yang terbuat dari logam paduan untuk industri penerbangan, yang disesuaikan dengan sifat-sifat elastis beton dan dilengkapi tudung baja kekerasan
Pengujian validasi independen yang dilakukan oleh BAM (Lembaga Federal untuk Penelitian dan Pengujian Material, Jerman) telah menunjukkan bahwa ST/PC Silver Schmidt memiliki tingkat penyebaran yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan alat uji beton klasik secara keseluruhan.
Desain yang unik dan konstruksi yang berkualitas tinggi pada alat uji beton ST/PC SilverSchmidt membuat pengujian pantulan menjadi lebih cepat dan lebih akurat dari yang pernah ada sebelumnya.

Fitur Alat :
  • Alat uji beton ST/PC SilverSchmidt mengombinasikan keakuratan pengukuran yang tinggi dengan kemampu-ulangan yang tiada bandingannya.
  • Nilai pantulannya tidak memerlukan koreksi sudut Alat uji beton ini menawarkan kurva konversi yang bisa disesuaikan untuk berbagai macam kekuatan beton tekan, termasuk fc yang rendah (<10 N/mm2, 1.450 psi) dan beton mutu tinggi (hingga 100 N/mm2, 14.500 psi)
  • Sejumlah besar titik pengukuran bisa dikumpulkan dengan mudah oleh alat uji beton dan dievaluasi secara otomatis menurut data statistik
  • Alat uji beton ini menawarkan konversi otomatis ke satuan pengukuran yang dibutuhkan (MPa, N/mm2, kg/cm2, psi)
Aplikasi Alat :
  • Sangat cocok digunakan untuk uji beton di lapangan
  • Alat uji beton ini cocok untuk pengujian berbagai jenis beton, mortar dan batuan
  • Praktis untuk digunakan di area uji yang sulit diakses atau yang sempit (misalnya untuk pengerjaan di atas kepala)
  • Penilaian pada beton muda dan lunak dengan menggunakan plunger berbentuk jamur pada alat uji beton
Type-type Alat :
  • Alat uji beton SilverSchmidt Tipe ST N - Energi tumbukan standar (2,207 Nm)
  • Alat uji beton SilverSchmidt Tipe ST L - Energi tumbukan tereduksi (0,735 Nm)
  • Alat uji beton SilverSchmidt Tipe PC N - Energi tumbukan standar (2,207 Nm) dan dilengkapi komunikasi ke PC, kapasitas memori yang diperbesar serta Software Hammerlink
  • Alat uji beton SilverSchmidt Tipe PC L - Energi tumbukan tereduksi (0,735 Nm) dan dilengkapi komunikasi ke PC, kapasitas memori yang diperbesar serta Software Hammerlink
Standar-standar berikut ini bisa dipergunakan pada alat uji beton:
  • EN12504-2 (Standar Eropa)
  • ASTM C 805 (Standar Amerika Utara)
  • JGJ/T 23-2001 (Standar Cina)
Data mekanisAlat uji beton
Tipe ST N / PC N

Alat uji beton
Tipe ST L / PC L

Energi Pukulan2.207 Nm0.735 Nm
Massa palu135 g135 g
Konstanta pegas0.79 N/mm0.26 N/mm
Perpanjangan pegas75 mm (2.95”)75 mm (2.95”)
Dimensi rumahan55 x 55 x 255 mm (2.16” x 2.16” x 9.84”)
Berat570 g (1.3 lb)
Aplikasi PC
Hanya untuk alat uji beton SilverSchmidt versi PC N dan PC L: Software Hammerlink
Data elektris                      
Tampilan17 x 71 piksel; grafis / alfanumerik
Konsumsi daya~13 mA saat mengukur, ~4 mA untuk pengaturan dan peninjauan, ~0,02 mA saat siaga
Umur pakai baterai>5000 tumbukan (sebelum diisi ulang)
Koneksi pengisi dayaUSB tipe B (5V, 100 mA)
Rentang pengukuran
Kuat tekan beton10-100 N/mm2 (1450-14500 psi)
Suhu pengoperasian0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F)
Suhu penyimpanan-10 to 70 °C (14 to 158 °F)

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

Link Alat  Lab. :

JUAL CONSTANT 25ER Analog Earth Resistance Tester

Order Detail
Harga : 2.250.000

  • Operate With The Minimum Of Influence From Earth Voltage And Earth Resistance Of Auxiliary Earth Bars
  • Simplified Earth Resistance Measurement Method
  • Self-Check Facility For Checking Battery And Lead Wire Connection
  • Push Switch Buttons For Smooth Operation Of The Instrument
  • Withstand Voltage ( 1500VAC) For One Minute Between Electrical Circuit And Housing Case
  • Function Range Accuracy
  • Earth Resistance 10/ 100/ 1000ÃŽ © Â ± 5% of full scale reading
  • Earth Voltage 30VAC ( 5kÃŽ © / V) Â ± 5% of full scale reading
  • Battery 8 x 1.5V ( AA size)
  • Size / Weight H140 x W140 x D90mm / Approx. 800g
  • Standard Accessories Test Leads ( 5m, 10m, 15m) , Auxiliary Earth Bars, Water Resistant Hard Case, Battery, Manual

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Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
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JUAL SANWA PDR 301 Analog Earth Tester

Order Detail
SANWA PDR 301 Earth Tester
Harga : Rp 3,200,000Basic Features
• Phase detection system circuit for stable measurement
• Easy self calibration
• AC 30V range to avoid indication errors caused by leak current
• Power saving design with push switch
• Exorbitance warning LED of auxiliary earth electrode resistance

Optional Accessories
Carrying case : C-PDR300

  • Earth resistance measuring range : 10/ 100/ 1000Ohm
  • Earth resistance measuring range : 0~ 30V
  • Display : Analog
  • Operation : Constant current system ( tripolar or bipolar)
  • Battery : R6P x6
  • Size / Weight : H175xW118xD55mm / approx. 500g
  • Standard accessories included : Earth bar set ( SET PDR 201) , Instruction manual

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Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

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JUAL HIOKI 3151 Insulation Tester/Earth HiTester

Order Detail
HIOKI 3151 Digital Earth HiTester
Harga : Nego

Ground resistance meter 3-electrode measurement on the 3151 gives greater precision !
  •     Wide measurement range for 0 to 1150 Ω, based on EN standard
  •     Switchable measurement frequency to minimize the influence of harmonic earth voltage
  •     Semi-dust-proof construction 
Basic specifications
Earthing resistance 10 Ω (0 to 11.5 Ω), 100 Ω (0 to 115 Ω), 1000 Ω (0 to 1150 Ω), Accuracy: ±2.5 % f.s
* when using 2-pole method, 100 Ω, 1000 Ω ranges only
Earth voltage 30 V (0 to 30 V), Accuracy: ±3.0 % f.s.
Operating method AC potentiometer method
Functions Switchable measurement method (2-pole, or 3-pole method), Switchable testing frequency (575 Hz, or 600 Hz), Auxiliary earthing (P/C pole) resistance check
Power requirements R6P (AA) manganese batteries × 6 (Continuous use at least 350 operations), or LR6 (AA) alkaline batteries × 6 (Continuous use at least 1100 operations)
(under 30 seconds measurement, 30 seconds off operating time condition)
Dimensions, mass 164 mm (6.46 in) W × 119 mm (4.69 in) H × 88 mm (3.46 in) D, 800 g (28.2 oz)
Supplied accessories AUXILIARY EARTHING RODS 9214 ×2, MEASURING CABLE 9215 (black 5 m (16.41 ft), yellow 10 m (32.81 ft), red 20 m (65.62 ft), one each, CABLE WINDER × 3), CARRYING CASE 9393 × 1, Hand strap × 1, R6P (AA) manganese batteries × 6

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

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JUAL FLUKE 1625 Earth Ground Tester

Order Detail
FLUKE 1625
Harga :Nego

A distinctive earth ground tester that can perform all four types of earth ground measurement. Specifically, the Fluke 1625 is able to measure earth ground loop resistances using only clamps - called Stakeless testing.

• 3 and 4 pole earth ground measurement.
• 4 pole soil resistivity testing.
• 2 pole resistance measurement AC.
• 2 and 4 pole resistance measurement DC.
• Selective testing, no disconnection of ground conductor ( 1 clamp) .
• Stakeless testing, quick ground loop testing ( 2 clamps) .
• Earth impedance measurement at 55 Hz.
• Automatic frequency control ( AFC) ( 94, 105, 111, 128 Hz) .
• Measuring voltage switchable 20/ 48V.
• Programmable limits, settings.
• Continuity with buzzer.
• 4 digit ( 2999 Digit) - 7 segment liquid crystal display.
• Dimensions: ( WxHxD) 250 x 133 x 187mm.
• Weight: 1.1 kg ( 2.43lb) without accessories.

The 1625 Kit includes:
1625 Tester, 4 x stakes, 2 x 25m cable reels, 50m cable reel, sensing clamp, inducing clamp all connectors, test leads, manual & rugged carrying case.

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

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JUAL FLUKE 1621 Earth Ground Tester

Order Detail

FLUKE 1621 Earth Ground Tester

Harga : Nego

Earth Ground Tester for resistance measurement
The Fluke 1621 is an easy-to-use earth ground tester. For ground resistance testing, the 1621 is the first line of defense in detecting reliable ground connections. The unit features basic ground testing methods including 3-pole Fall-of-Potential as well as 2-pole ground resistance tests. Its convenient size, rugged holster, and large, clear LCD display make it an ideal field earth ground tester, for most electrical grounding work environments. With a simple user interface and intuitive functionality, the Fluke 1621 is a handy grounding tool for electrical contractors, utility test engineers, and earth ground specialists.

Features :

Fluke 1621
  • 3-pole Fall-of-Potential earth testing for basic measurements
  • 2-pole resistance measurements for added versatility
  • Easily capture values with single-button operation
  • Ensure accurate measurements with automatic ‘noise’ voltage detection
  • Hazardous voltage warning offers increased user protection
  • Clearly read and record data with a large, backlit display
  • Rugged holster and design for tough work environments
  • Portable size allows for easy transportation
  • Instantly be alerted to measurements outside of your set limit, when you use the adjustable limit setting
  • 600 V Cat II

General specifications
Measuring functions

 3-pole earth ground resistance, 2-pole ac resistance of a conductor, Interference voltage
Intrinsic error

 Refers to the reference temperature range and is guaranteed for one year
Measuring rate

 2 measurements/second

 One 9 volt alkaline (LR61)
Battery condition

 LO-BAT is displayed if voltage drops below 6.5 V
Between jacks H/C2 and E/C1:  250 Veff maximum (effective voltage)
Between jacks S/P2 and E/C1:  250 Veff maximum
Climatic class

 VDE/VDI 3540 RZ (conforming to KWG as per DIN 40040, 4/87)
Temperature performance[2]
Working:  -10 °C to +50 °C (+14 °F to +122 °F)
Operating:  0 °C to +35 °C (+32 °F to +95 °F)
Storage:  -20 °C to +60 °C (+68 °F to +140 °F)
Reference:  +23 °C ± 2 °C (+73 °F ± 4 °F)
Temperature coefficient

 ± 0.1 % of range per degree Kelvin

 IEC/EN 61010-1, 600 V CAT II, pollution degree 2

 113 mm x 54 mm x 216 mm (4.5 in x 2.1 in x 8.5 in), including holster

 850 g (1.9 lb), including standard accessories, volume approximately 600 cm3

 [1]If the tester is not going to be used, or is being stored for a long period, remove the battery and store separately from the tester to avoid damage from battery leakage.

 [2]The four temperature ranges for the tester exists to satisfy European Standards requirements; the instrument can be used over the full working temperature range by using the temperature coefficient to calculate accuracy at the ambient temperature of use.
Electrical specifications
Maximum deviations:
E1 Influence factor  Position
E1 Deviation influence  0 %
E2 Influence factor  Supply voltage
E2 Deviation influence  0 %
E3 Influence factor  Temperature E3
E3 Deviation influence  2.3 %
E4 Influence factor  Serial interference voltage (20 V)
E4 Deviation influence  0.6 %
E5 Influence factor  Probe- and auxiliary probe resistance
E5 Deviation influence  10 %
Test voltage

 3.7 kV
Protection type

 IP 40; IEC/EN 60529
Electromagnetic compatibility

 Emission: IEC/EN 61326 Class B

 Immunity: IEC/EN 61326 Annex C
RE resistance measurement
Measuring method  Current-voltage measurement with improved cross-talk attenuation, no compensation of measuring lead resistance, with probe (3-pole) or without probe (2-pole), as per IEC/EN 61557-5
Open circuit voltage  23 to 24 V ac
Short circuit current  > 50 mA ac
Measuring frequency  128 Hz
Maximum permissible overload  250 Veff
Measuring time

 8 seconds (average from when START is pressed)
Limit input

 Tester retains set value even if instrument is turned off (assuming battery power supply is sufficient)
Automatic changeover of resolution
RH  < 7 kΩ
Resolution  0.01 Ω
RH  < 50 kΩ
Resolution  0.1 Ω
RH  > 50 kΩ
Resolution  1 Ω
Interference voltage display dc + ac
Vmax  30 Veff
Common mode rejection  > 80 dB at 50 Hz and 60 Hz
Ri  680 kΩ
Measuring uncertainty  < 10 % for pure ac and dc signals
Measuring range
0.15 Ω to 20 Ω
Resolution  0.01 Ω
Display range  0 to 19.99 Ω
200 Ω
Resolution  0.1 Ω
Display range  20 to 199.9 Ω
2 kΩ
Resolution  1 Ω
Display range  200 to 1999 Ω
Intrinsic uncertainty

 ± (6 % of measured value + 5D)
Operating uncertainty IEC 61557[1]

 ± (18 % of measured value + 5D)

 [1] Covers all deviations caused by influence quantities E1-E5.
If the deviation E4 caused by high probe or auxiliary probe resistance is higher than specified flashes.
Measured values are outside of the specified operating uncertainty.

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

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JUAL SEW 1805 ER Analog Earth Resistance Tester

Order Detail

SEW 1805 ER
High quality Tau Band movement.

Harga : Rp 2.500.000
Capable of measuring earth voltage ( Vac) . 2mA measuring current permits earth resistance tests with tripping earth leakage current breakers in the circuit under test. Test leads are supplied as standard accessories for simplified two-wire measuring system. Battery operated. Battery life indication EN/ IEC 61010-1 CAT III 150V.

Calibration performed with supplied test leads. WHY " GROUNDING TEST " IS NECESSARY ? " Grounding " has a few different purposes, such as for safety and for the stability of the electrical circuits. Listed below is more info about it.

1. Power system to the ground: As shown in figure, the purpose is preventing the secondary side from the damage of the primary side. It' s necessary for user' s safety.

2. Equipment to the ground: Connect equipments or shells to the ground. The purpose is protecting the user from the leakage of the equipments.

3. Electrical signal to the ground: Set up a " Zero volt " reference point or a loop path for all different signals. The purpose is for correct action or measuring.

4. Grounding for shielding: Top prevent static electricity. To prevent noise, electromagnetic interference ( put shielding) . Shielding room, cable and communication wires to the ground, equipment' s guard terminals to the ground, power transformers and filters to the ground.

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

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JUAL SEW 1120 ER Earth Resistance Testers

Order Detail
SEW 1120 ER
Capable of measuring earth voltge.

Harga : Rp 2.500.000

  • 2mA measuring current permits earth resistance to test without tripping earth leakage current breakers in the circuit.
  • Test leads are supplied as standard accessories for simplified two-wire measuring system.
  • 0 Ohm adjustment.
  • Data hold function.
  • Battery operated.
  • Battery life indicator.
  • Standard accessories for 3T and 2T.
  • Designed to met IEC/ EN 61010-1, IEC 615575-5 CAT III 200V.
  • Calibration performed with supplied test leads.

The 1120 ER is a " professional instrument " . The instrument is suitable for the testing of single earth electrodes such as lightning conductors and other small earthing system. The resistance of conductors such as continuity and conduit coupling joints can also be measured. Two-terminal operation measurement, which reduces the accuracy, can also be done by shorting P and C terminals. Earth resistance can be measured directly from 0.01 Ohms up to 1999 Ohms.

The reading is displayed on a large, easy-to-read digital display. It has a zero 0 ohm adjustment setting that is controlled by a dial feature. > The 1120 ER makes meaureents by passing a constant current through the device under test ( generally a conductor or low resistance) and measuring the voltage across it. The earth resistance is then calculated by Ohm' s law. It has an advanced circuit design that permits the instrument to operate with the minimum influence from earth voltage and earth resistance of the auxiliary spikes. This superb instrument is powered by 8 x 1.5 folt manganese-alkaline AA batteries. The calibration of the instrument is performed with the included test leads.

Therefore, when using the supplied test leds, the accuracy does not suffer of the three-terminal method of measurement fro the most common applications. The test frequency of 820Hz has been chosed to avoid stray currents at power frequencies and their harmonics. However, the 1120 ER has a built-in filter to reject unwanted signals. The batteries are constantly being checked while in use. The case is ideal for outdoor work. with the 1120 ER can be used by the electrical contractor or maintenance engineer to check the effectiveness of thir type of earth electrode systems.

  • Measuring Ranges
  • Earth Resistance : 0-20 Ohm/ 0-200 Ohm/ 0-2000 Ohm
  • Earth Voltage : 0-200V AC ( 40-500Hz)
  • Accuracy
  • Earth Resistance : + / - ( 2% rdg+ 2dgt) or + / - 0.1 Ohm, which is greater
  • Earth Voltage : + / - ( 1% rdg+ 2dgt)
  • Earth Resistance Resolution
  • 0-20 Ohm ( 0.01 Ohm)
  • 0-200 Ohm ( 0.1 Ohm)
  • 0-2000 Ohm ( 1 Ohm)
  • Measuring System
  • Earth Resistance by constant current inverter 820 Hz approx. 2mA
  • Display
  • LCD 3-1/ 2 digit ( 2000 counts)
  • Open Circuit Indication
  • LED will be unlit
  • Low Battery Indication
  • symbol appears on thedisplay
  • Data Hold Indication
  • symbol appears on the display
  • Over Range Idication
  • " 1 " ( MSD)
  • Power Source
  • 1.5V SUM-3 ( AA) x 8 or equivalent
  • Dimensions
  • 175( L) x 85( W) x 75( D) mm
  • Weight
  • Approx. 600g ( battery included)
  • Accessories
  • Test leads ( AL-36 : red-15m, yellow-10m, green-5m)
  • Auxiliary earth spikes
  • Simplified measurement probe
  • Shoulder belt, instruction manual, batteries

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Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

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JUAL SEW 1620 ER Earth Resistance Testers

Order Detail
SEW 1620 ER
Harga : Rp 2.850.000

  • Microprocessor controlled.
  • Measure earth resistance in three ranges. ( 40 Ohm/ 400 Ohm/ 4k Ohm)
  • Capable of measuring earth voltage.
  • 3-3/ 4 digit ( 4000 counts) . LCD backlight display.
  • 2mA measuring current permits the testing of earth resistance without tripping earth leakage current circuit breakers in the circuit.
  • Data Hold function.
  • Relative function.
  • Auto power off function.
  • Battery operated.
  • Low Battery indication.
  • Small and light weight, easy to use.
  • EN 61010-1 CAT IV 400V EN 61326-1, EN 61557-1, EN 61557-5

  • Measuring Ranges
  • Earth Resistance : 0 ~ 40 Ohm/ 0 ~ 400 Ohm/ 0 ~ 4k Ohm
  • Earth Voltage : 0 ~ 400V ( 40~ 500Hz)
  • Accuracy
  • Earth Resistance : + / - ( 2% rdg + 3 dgt)
  • Earth Voltage : + / - ( 2% rdg + 3 dgt)
  • Earth Resistance Resolution
  • 0 ~ 40 Ohm : 0.01 Ohm
  • 0 ~ 400 Ohm : 0.1 Ohm
  • 0 ~ 4k Ohm : 1 Ohm
  • Measurement System
  • Earth resistance by constant current inventer 820 Hz. approx. 2mA
  • Power Source
  • 1.5V ( AA) x 6
  • Dimensions
  • 163 ( L) x 102 ( W) x 50 ( D) mm
  • Weight
  • 440g approx. ( batteries included)
  • Accessories
  • Test leads ( AL-36: red-15m, yellow-10m, green-5m)
  • Auxiliary earth spikes
  • Heavy-duty case
  • Instruction manual
  • Batteries

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

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JUAL KYORITSU 4105AH Earth Tester Hard Case

Order Detail
4105AH, Kyoritsu Earth Tester
Harga : Rp 2.450.000
Basic Features
• Dust and drip proof.( designed to IEC 529 IP54)
• In addition to the facility for precision measurement, test leads for simplified two wire measuring system also supplied as standard accessories.
( unit can be hung from the neck for simplified measurement)
• Designed to meet IEC 61010-1 safety standard.
• Capable of measuring earth voltage.
• Automatic warning when resistance of auxiliary earth spikes is in excess of tolerance.
• Small and lightweight. Shock resistant new case material.
• 2mA measuring current permits earth resistance tests without tripping earth leakage current breakers in the circuit under test.

  • Measurement ranges : Earth resistance : 0~ 2Ohm/ 0~ 200Ohm/ 0~ 2000Ohm, Earth voltage ( 50/ 60Hz) : 0~ 200VAC
  • Overload protection : Earth resistance : 280VAC for 10 seconds across 2 of the 3 terminals, Earth voltage : 300VAC for 1 minute
  • Withstand voltage : 3700VAC for 1 minute
  • Power source : R6P ( AA) ( 1.5V) x6
  • Dimensions : 105( L) x 158( W) x 70( D) mm
  • Weight : 550g approx.
  • Accessories : 7095A ( earth resistance test leads) x1set ( red-20m, yellow-10m, green-5m) , 8032 ( auxillary earth spikes) x1set, 7127A ( simplified measurement probe) x1set, R6P ( AA) x6, Neck strap, Instruction manual, Carrying case
  • Optional : 7100 ( precision measurement cord set)

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

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JUAL KYORITSU 4102A Soft Case Model Earth Testers

Order Detail
Harga : Rp 2.300.000

The latest circuit design permits the instrument to operate with the minimum of influence from earth voltage and earth resistance of auxiliary earth spikes.
  • Dust and drip proof. ( designed to IEC 529 IP54)
  • Earth resistance value can be read directly from the scale.
  • Designed to meet IEC 61010-1 safety standard.
  • Capable of measuring earth voltage.
  • Small and lightweight. Shock resistant new case material.
  • 2mA measuring current permits earth resistance tests without tripping earth leakage current breakers in the circuit under test.
  • Lead wire connection to C and P terminals and proper auxiliary earth resistance can be checked by " OK " lamp. Lead wire connection to C and E terminals is good when " OK " lamp is illuminated.
  • Measurement
  • Ranges Earth Resistance: 0~ 12 © / 0~ 120 © / 0~ 1200 ©
  • Earth Voltage [ 50, 60Hz] : 0~ 30V AC
  • Accuracy Earth Resistance: ± 3% of full scale
  • Earth Voltage: ± 3% of full scale
  • Overload Protection Earth Resistance: 276V AC for 10 seconds
  • across 2 of the 3 terminals
  • Earth Voltage: 276V AC for 1 minute
  • Safety Standard IEC 61010-1 CAT.III 300V Pollution Degree 2, IEC 61557
  • Applicable Standards IEC 60529 IP54
  • Withstand Voltage 3700V AC for 1 minute
  • Power Source R6P ( AA) ( 1.5V) × 6
  • Dimensions 105( L) × 158( W) × 70( D) mm
  • Weight 600g approx.
  • Accessories 7095A ( Earth resistance test leads) × 1set
  • ( red-20m, yellow-10m, green-5m)
  • 8032 ( Auxiliary earth spikes) × 1set
  • 7127A ( Simplified measurement probe) × 1set
  • R6P ( AA) × 6
  • Neck strap
  • Instruction Manual
  • Carrying Case : 4102A ( Soft case)

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

Link Alat  Lab. :

JUAL KYORITSU 4105A Earth Testers with Soft Case Model

Order Detail
Harga : Rp 2.400.000

Dust and drip proof.(designed to IEC 529 IP54)
In addition to the facility for precision measurement, test leads for simplified two wire measuring system also supplied as standard accessories.
(unit can be hung from the neck for simplified measurement)
Designed to meet IEC 61010-1 safety standard.
Capable of measuring earth voltage.
Automatic warning when resistance of auxiliary earth spikes is in excess of tolerance.
Small and lightweight. Shock resistant new case material.
2mA measuring current permits earth resistance tests without tripping earth leakage current breakers in the circuit under test.
4105A Soft Case Model 

- Measurement Ranges Earth Resistance: 0 to 12© , 0 to 120© , 0 to 1200©
Earth Voltage: 0 to 30V AC 50/ 60Hz
- Accuracy Earth Resistance: ± 3% of full scale
- Earth Voltage: ± 3% of full scale
- Overload Protection Earth Resistance: 276V AC for 10 seconds across two of the three terminals.
- Earth Voltage: 276V AC for 1 minute
- Safety Standard IEC 61010-1 CAT III 300V Pollution Degree 2 IEC 61557
- Applicable Standards IEC 60529 IP54
- Withstand Voltage 3700V AC for 1 minute

General Specifications:
- Power Source R6P type ' AA' 1.5V batteries ( Qty 6)
- Dimensions 105mm ( L) x 158mm ( W) x 70mm ( D)
- Weight 600g approx.

Earth Tester supplied with:
-7095 Test Leads ( 1 set red-20m, yellow-10m, green-5m) ,
-8032 Auxiliary Earth Spikes ( 1 set) , -7127 Simplified Measurement Probe ( 1 set) -R6P type ' AA' x6 batteries,
-Neck Strap,
-Instruction Manual
-Soft Carrying Case.

Free Ongkir Wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang Sekitarnya

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 02193096961 , Hp : 085880111657
Email : yogakarya1@
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / /

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