Jual Fluke 561 IR Non-Contact - Supplier Alat Safety, Alat Teknik, Alat Ukur, Alat Geologi, Sirine dan Alat Laboratorium

Jual Fluke 561 IR Non-Contact

Fluke 561 HVAC Pro Combination IR Non-Contact and K-Type Thermocouple Thermometer
Multipurpose Thermometer for Heating, Ventilation,
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Inspections

    Single-point laser sighting IR thermometer for quick measurements up close or at a distance, without a ladder
    Compatible with all standard mini-connector K-Type thermocouples, preserves your investment in thermocouples
    Velcro pipe probe for super-heat and sub-cooling and other contact and ambient measurements
    Temperature range optimized for HVAC/R applications
    Easy emissivity adjustment for measuring pipes and ducts more accurately
    Efficient-no need to shut down equipment when making IR measurements
    MIN, MAX and DIF functions help you quickly identify problems
    Scan large areas or small objects quickly and efficiently
    Lightweight (just 12 ounces/ 340 grams) and portable
    Very easy to use

Lighten up your toolbox. The Fluke 561 HVAC Pro combines the temperature measurement functions that professionals need for most HVAC jobs, all in one tool. It measures both IR and contact temperature, replacing several other test tools.  It's fast, efficient and easy to use, saving you valuable time and effort.

With the Fluke 561, you can take contact and ambient temperatures in the way that's best for you. Use the IR thermometer to measure hot, moving, electrically energized and hard-to-reach objects instantly. Check motors, insulation, breakers, radiant heating, pipes, corroded connections and wires. Plus, scan ducts from the floor leaving your ladder in the truck.  You can use the Fluke 561's handy Velcro pipe probe or, to get the most out of your tool investments, plug in any industry-standard K-type mini-connector thermocouple probes you already own.

Menerima Pemesanan untuk dalam dan luar kota.

Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Yoga.S
Tlp : 02149722859 / 085701550255 / 08817685435

Hp : 085880111657 / 081223989651 / 087771753351
Email : karya_nusatama@yahoo.co.id
YM : yogakarya2
Website : http: / / www.karyanusatama.com

Link Alat-alat lain :http://digitalmeter.indonetwork.co.id

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