Jual Sirine Q-light SRN Type WM AC 220 V Termurah di Jakarta - Supplier Alat Safety, Alat Teknik, Alat Ukur, Alat Geologi, Sirine dan Alat Laboratorium

Jual Sirine Q-light SRN Type WM AC 220 V Termurah di Jakarta

Toko Karya Nusatama Jual Sirine Q-light SRN Type WM AC 220 V Termurah di Jakarta, Untuk pemesanan anda bisa menghubungi Kami Tlp. 081223989651 / 085740767348, WA. 085880111657 / 081339893673 atau juga melalui email kami. free ongkir untuk daerah jakarta dan sekitarnya.

Jual Sirine Q-light SRN Type WM AC 220 V Termurah di Jakarta

Spesifikasi :

Cost effective model with high signal sound A variety of sound selections between warning sounds, alarm sounds, melodies and voice messages to fit your sophisticated application needs User defined voice signal type(WV) shall be provided upon request Can adjust sound volume with the switch built inside the unit Materials : Housing-ABS(Standard Color : Red) Ambient operating temperature : -25°C to +50°C Protection rating : IP55 Certificates : CE Compliant

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